17 May

Agroecology practices, a field trip [POSTPONED]

This event is free but registration is essential, space is limited to 10 people.

Transportation from a central location has been arranged, more information will be sent to attendees. 

Join us on a field trip to the commune of Tamazouzoute to visit Mustapha Laghrissi who will generously be guiding us through the agroecology practices at his farm Blad Mustapha.


Mustapha will be helping us understand: 

Why agroecology?  

What is agroecology? 

What is soil regeneration and why do we need it?

Agroecological crop management. Is it profitable?

The role of civil society in the extension and development of agroecology. 


Ending with an open discussion with questions from everyone. 


Mustapha Laghrissi holds a degree in civil engineering and a Bachelor’s degree in Economics With a career in housing construction project management with known local operators, then on his own account. In 2012, he launched a permaculture farm in drylands. He is currently a member of RIAM (the network of agroecological initiatives in Morocco) and is a local referent. He is an agroecology trainer, ecosystem installation consultant, beekeeping trainer and apiary installation guide. Mustapha was in charge of the launch/activation of an amateur apiary in 1987 located in Zaer, another in 1995 in the region of Benslimane and in Al Haouz in 2014. He facilitates training sessions for cooperatives in the Al Haouz region with High Atlas Foundation. He is also a producer of honey and other beehive products.

28 May